Thursday, June 19, 2008

Discipleship Thought...

(This was an incomplete post from last month...)

As usual, a question spawned in my wee brain while reading Oswald Chambers today. Would you agree with the following statement that Chambers makes in 'MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST' on JUNE 19th?

"[Christian] Discipleship is based on devotion to Jesus Christ [a person], not on adherence to a belief or a creed."

(The [stuff in the brackets] is mine.) ...I agree with that statement.


1) The "person" is JESUS and I am the "disciple". JESUS could, or can change and alter within Time, as I do and must.

2) SCRIPTURE (a "belief or creed"), on the other hand, is written and unchangeable. (I.e. to say that it's a collection of papers with ink on them.) While it can be applied in many different ways, it's wisdom can be foolishness when applied in the wrong way, or at the wrong time. That is how the HOLY SPIRIT comes into play (I believe) - He's in the timing of things; He makes the Scriptures come to life.

JESUS, being one and the same with the HOLY SPIRIT, has the ability (so-to-speak) to 'alter within Time' for and/or with me; He leads me.

4) Therefore, a true disciple must be one that is fully, first and foremost devoted to the person and not the creed. I must be fully, first and foremost devoted to JESUS and not SCRIPTURE, if only because Time exists and I am stuck in it. That is to say, that my understanding, therefore my application of SCRIPTURE is only as wise as to how and when I am led by the HOLY SPIRIT to use it.

...Does that make sense?
...What do you think?
...Could Chambers' definition of what determines discipleship to be true discipleship apply to all forms of discipleship?


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